
Jan. 15-19: No Name-Calling Week  

Jan. 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day


Feb. 7: National Black HIV/AIDS Day

Feb. 12: National Freedom to Marry Day

Feb. 18-24: Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week

Feb. 23: International Stand Up To Bullying

Feb. 28: HIV Is Not A Crime Day


Bisexual Health Awareness Month

March 1: Zero Discrimination Day

March 10: National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

March 20: National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

March 20-24: National LGBT Health Awareness Week

March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility


April 6: International Asexuality Day

April 10: National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

April 12: Day of Silence

April 18: National Transgender HIV Testing Day

April 18: Nonbinary Parents Day

April 22-28: International Lesbian Visibility Week

April 26: Lesbian Visibility Day


May 5: National Family Equality Day

May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia

May 19: Agender Pride Day

May 19: National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

May 22: Harvey Milk Day

May 24: Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day


Pride Month!

June 1: LGBTQ Families Day

June 5: HIV Long-Term Survivor’s Awareness Day

June 12: Pulse Remembrance Day

June 27: National HIV Testing Day

June 28: Stonewall Riots Anniversary

June 30: Queer Youth of Faith Day


July 6: Omnisexual Visibility Day

July 8-14: Non-Binary Awareness Week

July 14: International Non-Binary Day

July 16: International Drag Day


Aug. 11: Gay Uncle Day

Aug. 20: Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day


Sep. 16-23: Bisexual Awareness Week

Sep. 18: National HIV/AIDS &Aging Awareness Day

Sep. 23: Bisexual Visibility Day

Sep. 27: National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day


LGBT History Month (U.S. and Canada)

Oct. 8: International Lesbian Day

Oct. 11: National Coming Out Day

Oct. 15: National Latinx HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Oct. 16: International Pronoun Day

Oct 17: Spirit Day

Oct. 19: National LGBT Center Awareness Day

Oct. 20-26: Asexual Awareness Week

Oct. 26: Intersex Awareness Day


Trans Awareness Month

Nov. 3: Transgender Parent Day

Nov. 8: Intersex Day of Solidarity

Nov. 13-19: Trans Awareness Week

Nov. 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance


Dec. 1: World AIDS Day

Dec. 8: Pansexual Pride Day

Dec. 10: Human Rights Day

Dec. 14: HIV Cure Research Day

What is the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System?

The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) is a set of surveys that track behaviors that can lead to poor health in students grades 9 through 12. The surveys are administered every other year. Some of the health-related behaviors and experiences monitored are:

  • Student demographics: sex, sexual identity, race and ethnicity, and grade

  • Youth health behaviors and conditions: sexual, injury and violence, bullying, diet and physical activity, obesity, and mental health, including suicide

  • Substance use behaviors: electronic vapor product and tobacco product use, alcohol use, and other drug use

  • Student experiences: parental monitoring, school connectedness, unstable housing, and exposure to community violence

  • What is the purpose of YRBSS?

    The YRBSS was designed to:

    • Determine how often unhealthy behaviors occur

    • Assess whether unhealthy behaviors increase, decrease, or stay the same over time

    • Provide data at the national, state, territorial and freely associated state, tribal, and local levels

    • Provide data comparing different groups of adolescents

    • Monitor progress toward achieving the Healthy People Objectives and other program goals

    Why is YRBSS important?

    YRBS results help monitor adolescent health behavior changes over time, identify emerging issues, and plan and evaluate programs to support the health of youth.

    YRBS data are used by health departments, educators, lawmakers, doctors, and community organizations to inform school and community programs, communications campaigns, and other efforts.

Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-button-element--primary sqs-block-button-element" target="_blank" > Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)